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Tara Sheets
USA Today bestselling author

Month: May 2020

Heartfelt hugs

Dear Wonderful Readers,

This year has been an incredible challenge for all of us.  Wherever you are right now, I hope you find ways to fill your hearts with happiness and hope.  Now might be the perfect time to read all those books you’ve been meaning to read.  Call the loved ones you’ve been meaning to call.  Take those walks you’ve been meaning to take.  Social distancing is difficult, and the uncertainty and fear about the global pandemic make it so hard to remember there’s light ahead of us.  But there is.  Better times are coming! I promise. Never forget that love surrounds you every day. It’s everywhere, even if sometimes you can’t feel it.  So here’s a giant, squishy, virtual hug from me to you, because we’re in this together, and you are not alone. Wishing you all the love and hope and courage in the months ahead.